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      After the craziness of last year, our favorite event is coming back to Twitch.tv.  For those of you that have not seen or heard of Twitch v EVE, let me give you a TL:DR.   On Saturday March 21st at 20:00UTC  THAT'S EVE TIME NERDS! We form a fleet of streamers, all streaming on Twitch. We give them an experienced FC from EVE Online. We go get blown up. Then we rinse and repeat 3 more times. Giving prizes for killmails to Players. So look on Twitch to find who you want to watch, we will all be there! That is basically TvE in a nutshell. This event is designed to get all the streamers together to entertain and reward the viewers and players of EVE, whilst giving some fun in game and twitch...

Happy New Year  to you, our streamfleet family. Over the Christmas break both myself and Raiden have been looking at ways to pay the in game bills for the streamfleet corp and to generate funds for our awesome giveaways - for either on the streamfleet twitch channel - or for supporting our streamers of eve. After a previous stream with the wonderful Torvald  we "finally" discovered the ISK making capabilities to be found in the PVE aspects of "The Abyssal". For the last 10 days or so, we have been running T3 Abyssal sites - in the hope of making some ISK to fuel the corp wallet. Interestingly - we took very different approaches in how to do this. I, personally was running a cheap fit Gila (340mil) - that had been put together...

Organising events like this are an absolute pleasure, i write this with not so much of a straight face, they can be daunting, this one truly was a sleep depriving, thought provoking rollercoaster of emotion. One which i would not change for the world. Friday evening in New Eden time, saw Myself, Ms.Moses and EQ11 take the first stint. We held an AMA whilst EQ11 flew in the Abyss. I will be brutally honest, we did not have much time for or see many questions. The sudden influx of donations started flowing straight away. I barely got out the explanation of what the weekend would entail and why we are doing it. The two hours flew by leaving us with a running total of over $1,000 already! We were followed by the refreshingly evil Jin’Taan...

The This-A-Thon is running fom the 29th Nov to 1st Dec and is starting at 1800 utc we will deliver 50 hours of EVE Online content live on the streamfleet twitch channel https://www.twitch.tv/streamfleet The EVE Online streamers are joining forces to raise money for a great cause, a mental health charity for gamers and game developers,...

Streamfleet and the streamers of EVE Take This-A-Thon Its that time of year again, when the content creators of EVE Online look to help the community and raise money for charity. Over the past couple of years we have helped some fantastic charities, like Ablegamers and Special Effect. This year we are aiming to help another amazing charity Take...

The Take This-A-Thon online silent Auction!! As you may already know, the EVE streaming community is taking part in a 50 hour live stream on the weekend of the 29th November to 1st December. What you might not have known is that we have some very special Real life items to Auction too!!! https://www.32auctions.com/TakeThis-A-Thon This is...

Hey everyone,  A frequent request that we have from viewers in Twitch is to have merchandise available that can be shipped anywhere int he world. For a while we have provided personalised clothing to our streamers and admin team - but we wanted to give something fun for our viewers. After looking ay many providers - we finally decided on ...

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We envisage that streamfleet will be the hub for viewers and players to connect with the content providers of New Eden.
This is a community where Providers can come together to inform, educate and entertain the present and future players of EVE Online


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