Streamfleet and the streamers of EVE Take This-A-Thon

Its that time of year again, when the content creators of EVE Online look to help the community and raise money for charity. Over the past couple of years we have helped some fantastic charities, like Ablegamers and Special Effect. This year we are aiming to help another amazing charity Take This.

Take This has a mission, with your help we would like to enable Take This to achieve goals towards the mission. 

“Our Mission is to decrease the stigma, and increase the support for, mental health in the game enthusiast community and inside the game industry.”

“Our Vision is a game community that welcomes and supports people experiencing mental health challenges, and that recognizes the humanity and mental health of game creators.”

Our community is a very close one, we are very lucky in that regard. We all want to kill each other in game and have fun, but we also want to have a beer together and enjoy each others company. The closeness of our community really shows when we lose a capsuleer in real life. Sometimes this is down to mental health. This is something Take This, among others is striving to help. Making people aware of and helping gamers and developers to cope with mental health issues. At gaming conventions Take This also supply “AFK Rooms” for gamers that are struggling, this is something a lot more of our community suffer with than you might know. They overcome their fears to be with the community they fly with, but sometimes need that quiet time to reset. Let our community help them do their work by raising as much as we can.

The streamers of EVE Online are taking part in a 50 hour Take This-A-Thon starting at 18:00utc on the 29th November 2019, we would love you to come watch us, take part in the fun, maybe win some in game items. All this will be happening on the streamfleet twitch channel :

The community has been generous in providing prizes that we can give away - We have amassed hundreds of billions of prizes to give away, at the time of writing, 2 full sets of ALL the world tour skins, a Full Fit Nyx, Nid, dozens of other ships and skins.

Come and join the stream from some of your favorite streamers, Erstschlag, BjornBee, RonUSMC, Jin’Taan and spectre fleet,Rahne,Manic,the Open Comms team and many others in 50 hours of EVE streaming.

Thank you all,

Raiden and the streamers of EVE team